Projection light
In order to find out the relationship between images and light, I apply a projector, trying to cast the “light”, which is different from an ordinary image. The light, however, turns into an image in this work.
I wonder why the light from projections would be seen as images. Generally, when a projector casts white light only, there will be grids of pixel on screen. This seems the basic difference between projection and general light. I imagine that if I keep enlarging these pixels, and what will it become in the end? It’s darkness, the light of black. In the second half of the film, a enlarging light suggest that the projection equipment in the movie theater, and returns the image to the space where the audience is now. Light flows in different dimensions of space, and has different appearances. Light plays different roles in images, digital space and the real world.
There are no subtitles at the opening or ending of the video, and both the beginning and the end are blank. Thus, the image becomes the light and casts space.
Dimension Variable

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